May 21, 2009

Presenting the Class of 2021!

Today my baby sister Jamie graduated from Kindergarten. There was a ceremony where the class walked (very slowly) into the classroom to Pomp and Circumstance. It was very cute to see them walk, "right, together. left together" hehe :)

Then they sang 2 songs that they had learned throughout the year. After their performance each child stood up and told their 3 favorite memories from their kindergarten year. That is what is decorated on their little yellow headbands.

After each student received their certificate of graduation, the parents read their kid's advice for the incoming kindergartners. Some of them were very funny. Others very classic, but overall advice we all could follow.

"Good luck standing in line and being quiet"
"Don't talk during Journal time"
"Be Respectful"

Then Ms. Tami (I'll get to her in a minute) presented the future class of 2021! Amazing to think what life will be like 12 years from now. Congratulations Jamie Rose! I love you! It's hard to believe you will be in 1st grade next year.
PS: There were lost of tears today. Mostly for joy, seeing their cute 6 year old's achieving so much and finishing their first year of school. But some tears of sadness to see Ms. Tami's wonderful teaching career coming to a close.

Now about Ms. Tami.... Tami Phelps is Jamie's Kindergarten teacher. She has been teaching at Denali Montessori school for the past 21 years. Both Jessica and I were in her 1st, 2nd,3rd grade class way back when she first started teaching. And now after teaching Jamie, twenty years later, she is retiring.

Ms. Tami is an amazing person! She was my absolute favorite teacher. After my 3rd grade year she moved to teaching kindergarten. I would hurry and finish my work for the week so I could go back and help in her class. I did that all through 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. Then when I was a senior in High School I had "early release" so I would then go back and help in her class at least once a week. Over the years I became very close friends with Ms. Tami. She is, like I said, and amazing person. I have learned so much from her over the years. I am very sad to see her leave Denali. But I am very happy she is taking the opportunity to pursue her career in art. I wish you all the best Ms. Tami. You will be missed very much! Congratulations on your retirement! We love you!

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