October 8, 2009

The Driving Game

Better know as Mario Cart Wii... is called simply "the driving game" at the Mason house. Isaac loves to play with Daddy or Mommy. He started out with just turning the wheel and not getting anywhere. But soon learned how to make his car go and go where he wants it to go. Which some of the time is right off the course into the water, lava or just off the nearest cliff. He thinks it's funny to see his car disappear off the edge.
But after some coaching from Mom and Dad, Isaac can drive his way (with a few wrong turns now and then) through most of a race. Usually completing 2 laps before everyone else completes all three to finish the course. It is really quite amazing! And lots of fun to watch him get excited about getting "A Bullet" or "Star" that help him along in the race. For those of you who have never played this game, you just have to try it. It's a ton of fun!

Joe is convinced that Isaac's Christmas gift this year will be his own controller and wheel so we can all play together. Instead of he or myself having to watch while the other plays with our sweet Isaac.
Is it good that my 2 and 1/2 year old knows how to play a video game already? Maybe not, but it's and activity our family enjoys together. Even little Jacob likes to watch the cars and colors go flying by on the big TV screen!

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